Help Center for Digimadi

Payment gateway - is one of the most popular payment gateway in Czech Republic but even in Europe. To get more information visit

You have to make an agreement with trade policy of GOPAY s.r.o. to connect your orders with GOPAY’s payment gateway. If you don’t have any, register here. You will be contacted by representatives of payment gateway with another instructions right after sending.

Gateway payment connection itself will provide you absolute automatization of purchase process. Selling page will automatically pass your order on, send e-book to customer and add money to your GOPAY account from where you can send it to your personal (work) bank account.

So that you don’t have to step in the sellings.

If you have an arranged agreement, continue as follows:

  1. Report your testing address to GOPAY.
  2. Enter your ID and secret testing key into digimadi’s Settings can be found in Applications settings in section: GOPAY for online store / General settings.
  3. Assign payment method to GOPAY gateway and select payments types for your orders.
  4. Try to order a product and ask GOPAY to do it as well.
  5. As soon as you get GOPAY’s confirmation about functionality, enter again your GOPAY ID and secret key.
  6. Switch your settings to Live.



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